Meditations. Live Sessions.

… transcend beyond zen.

Welcome to The Meditation Mama!

Every offering is crafted from my heart and soul to provide you with meditations unlike any other.

These guided meditations take you on a potent voyage inward, allowing you to receive exactly what you need in just 5-20 minutes. Your body is soothed and centered, as your consciousness expands and your vibration elevates.

Whether you’re seasoned in your practice or brand new to meditation, each offering meets you exactly where you’re at.

Themes include:

  • Clarity + Empowerment

  • Energy Work

  • Healing

  • Motherhood + Prenatal

  • Relaxation

  • Releasing + Clearing

  • Spiritual + Woo Woo

    At the end of each session, you’ll be amazed at how calm, connected, and transformed you feel. Over time, you’ll find your subconscious mind has been absorbing these positive benefits…And the shift in your daily life will be unmistakable!

    So take a deep breath and find a comfortable seat, as The Meditation Mama guides you to transcend beyond zen.



Meet The Meditation Mama

Meditation and mindfulness became something I needed and craved every day. It felt incredible to clear the chatter, release what wasn’t serving me, and heal many of the patterns running my subconscious mind.

Divine guidance and love from my soul and the higher realms began pouring in. My intuition was strengthened. I realized the challenges that led me here were a huge blessing.”

My Why

Six years ago was one of the most incredible days of my life - the day my first child was born. But my pure joy and excitement began to shift when postpartum anxiety disorder entered the picture. The more I attempted to distract myself from what I was feeling, the more postpartum anxiety took over. The more disconnected I became from my intuition. The more I looked outward for answers. And the more the cycle continued.

This experience was a catalyst for my transformation. It led me inward to find presence and mindfulness, dive into self-discovery, and reconnect with my soul.

And when I experienced postpartum anxiety disorder again with the birth of my third child, I answered the call. I went deeper into my meditation practice. I made a silent commitment to meditate every single day, even if it was just for five minutes. I began to find creative ways to meditate and realized that I could do it just as effectively while rocking my baby, taking a walk, driving, or showering.

My consciousness expanded in ways that I could have never imagined. Meditation became something I needed and craved, as I tapped into it throughout my day. It felt incredible to clear the chatter, release what wasn’t serving me, and heal many of the patterns running my subconscious mind. Divine guidance and pure, unconditional love from my soul and the higher realms poured in. My intuition was strengthened. I was finally comprehending how much more magical life is, when we make space to receive and strengthen our divine connection. I was finally able to see that my postpartum challenges were an incredible blessing, chosen by my higher self for my growth.

As my inner world blossomed, my outer world transformed too. I wanted other people to experience the beautiful, awe inspiring shift that can come from meditating...but how? An intuitive nudge popped in: “I should create and record my own meditations.” This thought persisted and I finally decided to take some time to play with the idea, not knowing what would happen.

As the words began to flow and the music connected the dots, I knew I was onto something. I felt a deep inner knowing as I felt the high frequencies coming through. These meditations were powerful. They needed to be shared with the world. Despite my great fear of being truly seen, I published my first three meditations. I could have never imagined the response. Listeners were leaving kind messages and beautiful comments that brought me to tears. My meditations were resonating. My heart felt like it might explode from the deep sense of fulfillment. I knew I had found part of my purpose for this life.

Welcome to The Meditation Mama, my fourth baby. I am so very grateful you are here!

From my light to yours,

Xo Lyndsey


I would love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts, comments, and reviews and I’ll be happy to connect back.

Any requests will be greatly considered for the next wave of creation.

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